Monday, 26 September 2016

Temporary Closure to New Members ages 13 and under

We are sorry we can’t take any new starters aged 7 to 13 until further notice. Membership has grown rapidly and the Monday junior run/bike session in particular has become overcrowded.

Any juniors who have only started in the past few weeks but have not yet joined will have until Monday 10th October to join the club. From 10th October only members will be able to train on Mondays and the on-line membership facility will block any new applications for those aged 13 and under by 1st Jan 2017.
Any juniors aged 14 or over by 1st Jan 2017 can still join but will need to train with the adults on Mondays and can attend adult/junior swims sessions and the Friday bike session.

We are working on ways to increase capacity and recruit more coaches so as to be able to accommodate more juniors in 2017. .

New Session !! Strength and Conditioning Tuesdays 8pm

We have set up a new session which will run every Tuesday 8pm to 9pm starting  on Tuesday 4th October. It will be held at Kept Fit Gym Unit 1 Dunscar Business Park, Blackburn Road, Bolton, BL7 9PQ and will cost £3. For any members aged 16+

We will trial it for 2 months initially but as long as it is attended by at least 15 people each week we will continue it. Lukas, our head coach, has set it up and explains the benefits 

'With the autumn coming up it is exactly the right time to bring this type of training The sessions are aimed at members aged 16+ of all levels. The purpose of these sessions is to create greater core strength and flexibility which in turn can help to improve stamina and keep our members injury free. This is something that can fit into an athletes training plan all year round. In the winter more strength base and in the season more stability based.'

Monday, 5 September 2016

Cross Country Season is here! Sign up in September

It's time to enter the Red Rose Cross Country League (aka Mud ,Sweat and Cheers) ☺

For race dates and more  information go to or see our leaflet 

All the information is below. Pay £5 at registration desk and e-mail if you want to enter . If you can include in your e-mail your dob it will save me time looking it up. Minumum age is 8 years on 31st Aug 2016. Once entered by me you can do as many races as you want 

At each event look out for the club feather flags and gazebo where you can get safety pins, leave your kit and meet your clubmates. You can also collect your race number if you haven't been given it beforehand

Stuart Carter Team Manager

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Elton Splash and Dash Aquathlon Results.

Elton Aquathon results can be viewed here…/2016-06-07-0…/elton-aquathlon. Congratulations to Catherine Jones 1st BTC female and first female in the standard distance event, Cameron Lamb Lamb 1st BTC male (8th overall just ahead of Steve Buck) and George Walton 1st BTC 16 or under (15th overall). Also we had 1st female and male in the the sprint distance event well done Anne Marie Rushton and Adrian Adi Jonas. BTC finished second in the team event... only 20 seconds behind Rochdale Tri Club. We had a good turnout also including Andrew Hurst, Antony Lewis, Aiden Kane, Nina Carter, Tom Mitchell and Steve Buck. Thanks to Andy Bassett, Sheila Carter and Chris Lamb for marshalling and setting up, Danny Parr and the Rochdale Tri club volunteers and Julie and Graham from What's My Time. It was a good team effort by BTC and RTC and we had a pleasing 47 competitors. Look out for next years event