Saturday, 21 September 2019

Monday night junior sessions

We have now been allowed back on the track for cycling and running. 
We have reverted to the session times we had before the track closure. Younger group 7 to 8.10pm and older group 7.30 to 8.45pm. If any of the older group want to they can join in strength and conditioning with Jim between 7 and 7.30 providing they are going to take it seriously.
Line painting has been postponed till 2020 and is dependent on weather conditions. There is no set date as yet but  when it does happen the track will be closed for 2 weeks. 
We have been asked by the council to comply with the following guidance.  
'One of the biggest differences that users will see with the new surface is that water drains through it and away, rather than lying on the surface. To ensure that the pores in the surface continue to operate effectively it is important that dirt does not get onto the track to block them. It is therefore essential that any footwear or equipment (bike wheels etc) to be used on the track is clean before use.
The other factor to prolonging the life of the track is to even out the wear as much as possible. To this end we would ask that athletes do not use the inside 2 lanes unless essential for the training/ competition taking place.'
So please ensure your bikes and trainers are free of mud and dirt before you come and we will be doing some checks. If a bike is too dirty you won't be allowed to use it for the session. We will mark off the inside 4 lanes and if the training activity does not need accurate distances then run outside the markers and follow your  coach's instructions. The younger group will use the outside 4 lanes for cycling between 7 and 7.30 so warm up running should be done on inside lanes up to 7.30.. The older group will do a cycle session from 8.15 to 8.45 when all running has finished.
Wednesday run session will be back again from Wed 8th January 2020  All abilities catered for. The regular coaches will be Ann Butler and George Butler. Older juniors welcome too. £3 for this session unless you pay by standing order.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Results: Tameside Junior Duathlon and Adults GO-TRI Duathlon

All the results can be seen here. Well done to everyone who took part. The effort, energy, perseverance and sporting attitude of all participants young and old was wonderful too see. 

Some competitors did not complete enough bike laps. Their times are still shown but they have not been placed and are marked dnf as they didn't complete the full course.

Thanks to Graham and Julie from What's My Time who provided a superb service with the timing, and results

We would also like to thank the following for their contributions, the race referee Steve Spamer, the NW Children’s Series Co-ordinator Paul Ekgren, the Tameside Cycle Circuit Management Group (who are all volunteers), Tameside Council for permission to use the playing field (and cutting the grass) and ASDA for donation towards the goody bags

Finally we would like to thank all the volunteers from Bolton Tri Club without whom this event could not happen

Sunday, 12 May 2019

BTC Junior Grand Prix 2019

To list of events in our club junior grand prix is below. To see an explanation of the rules and end of season awards for taking part click here

At each of these events you will find other club members taking part and club coaches there to advise and assist you. Look out for the BTC feather flag.

The Grand Prix is made up of 8 events open to 8 to 16 year olds in Tristart, Tristar 1, 2, 3 and Youth categories and 8 events open to 17 – 19 year olds in the junior category. 
Bolton Tri Club Aquathlon (an event for our members only) Sat 30th March - completed

Bolton Tri Club Duathlon (an event for our members only) date and venue tbc

Chester Aquathon 12th May (not juniors 17 to 19) - completed

Salt Ayre Duathlon  19th May

BATS Trawlerman Triathlon 9th June

Salt Ayre Triathlon 16th June

Cholmondeley Castle Series Triathlon 22nd June (juniors only 17 to 19))

Wirral Triathlon  7th July.

Bolton Duathlon 11th Aug

Most of these events are already open for entries. Go to for information and entry links

Monday, 6 May 2019

Open Water Swimming at Elton Sailing Club in Bury 2019

To register for open water swimming at Elton click here 

Before completing the from you must read the safety leaflet

Bolton Tri Club are hosting open water swim sessions at Elton Sailing Club in Bury which start on 
Tue 14th May and run every Tuesday until 1st September. You can swim anytime between 5 and 8 pm. Wet suits are compulsory. There are changing rooms and hot showers. To save everyone time we ask people to register on-line beforehand - there will be no paper registration forms. It is £5 a swim or £3 for Bolton Tri Club members. For juniors it is £3 a swim or £2 for BTC members. But you can get free swims if you provide kayak safety cover for an hour. The registration fee for non-BTC members is now £3 for the rest of the season.  

We have monthly training aquathons with a choice of distances. The next ones are June 9th and 20th August. There may be other events or coaching sessions during the season.  Also catch us on Facebook search  for 'Open Water Swimming at Elton Sailing Club'. 

Directions to Elton Sailing Club. Use this postcode if relying on SatNav BL8 2BR
If travelling down Bolton Road (A58) towards Bury turn right at the Wellington Pub into Kitchener Street signposted Elton Reservoir and Cygnet Hospital. 
At end of Kitchener St turn right into Buller Street. Turn left over a small bridge signposted Cygnet Hospital. Once over bridge bear right and down lane to Sailing Club.

Parking. The sailing club car park sometimes gets completely full so please do not park on the lane and impede access for emergency services vehicles should they be needed. Instead you can park on Buller Street and walk down the lane or park on Buckingham Drive BL8 2DH at the end of which turn left and there is a footpath that goes across a field to the Sailing Club. 

Monday, 21 January 2019

Critical Swim Speed Training at Farnworth senior session

the results from 12th January Saturday senior swim session are attached 

We did 200m and then 400m later in the session. These times have been used to work out your critical swim speed per 100m. This corresponds to lactate threshold pace i.e. swim faster than this and you start to go into your anaerobic zone building up lactic acid and being unable to sustain the pace

For those who missed it we will be repeating the tests on 16th Feb or or you can time yourself and send me your times. The Critical Swim Speeds will be used to allocate swimmers to lanes and to determine your interval times for main sets. 

For triathlon where we swim long distances it is your aerobic capacity (and technique) that will determine how fast you can complete a 400m, 750m or 1500m swim. The most efficient way to improve your aerobic capacity is to work at lactate threshold pace or just below i.e. sustained speed with short recoveries. The CSS pace may seem comfortable at the start of a 1200 or 1500 main set but it is a challenge to keep the pace up as the set goes on with only short recoveries.

Go to the Swim Smooth website if you want to know more about this Here you will also find advice on designing your own sessions based on your 100m CSS. Basically you do 100m repeats on 100m CSS +10secs or 200m repeats on 2 x 100m CSS + 20secs or 300 repeats on 3 x 100m CSS +30secs or 400m repeats on 4 x 100m CSS +40secs. It is important not to take longer rests than this otherwise your heart rate drops and you lose the training effect.

We will repeat the tests on  16th Feb so you can see the improvement in your CSS pace from training in this way. Mind you - you will have to train and swim at least once a week, and preferably more often 


Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Bolton Tri Club 2019 membership is now open

Please click on the BookitZone logo below to join Bolton Tri Club for 2019 or to renew your membership. The link on the website membership page has also been updated now. Membership will run from whenever you join until 31st Jan 2020. We do not take paper or postal applications.  If it is the first time you have used BookitZone you will be asked to register with them first but it is easy and very quick

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

BTC Session Attendance form 2019/2020

Club members who collect money at sessions. Please use this on-line form to record the number who attended and the money taken. The information gathered helps us to keep track of finances and helps the committee with information  to make decisions. Thanks Stuart C. Club Chairman.