Friday, 12 May 2017

Open Water Swimming at Elton Reservoir Bury

To register for open water swimming at Elton click here 

Bolton Tri Club are hosting open water swim sessions at Elton Sailing Club in Bury which start on 
Tue 16th May and run every Tuesday until 29th August 2017. You can swim anytime between 5 and 8 pm. The reservoir is now full to the brim and the sailing club has new showers. To save everyone time we ask people to register on-line beforehand - there will be no paper registration forms. It is £5 a swim or £3 for Bolton Tri Club members. But you can get free swims if you provide kayak safety cover for an hour. We have monthly training aquathons with a choice of distances on 20th June, 25th July and 22nd August. For novice open water swimmers who want to improve their skills and confidence there is a coached session with Sarah Hill 6.30 to 7.15pm each week. Also catch us on Facebook search  for Open Water Swimming at Elton Sailing Club.

Directions to Elton Sailing Club. BL8 2BR

If travelling down Bolton Road (A58) towards Bury turn right at Wellington Pub into Kitchener Street, signposted Elton Reservoir and Cygnet Hospital.

At end of Kitchener St turn right into Buller Street. Turn left over a small bridge signposted Cygnet Hospital. Once over bridge bear right and down lane to Sailing Club. 

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