Sunday, 29 March 2020

Swim Specific Strength and Conditioning Session

Don Whiley, GB triathlete, personal trainer and swim coach, has designed this session for us.

Click here to watch the video

Hi hope everyone is keeping healthy. Here are some swim focused strength and core exercises for those wanting some ideas to keep the swim muscles activated. Hope you enjoy them.
Warm up
3 x through
20 Jacks / 20 high knees
10 catapillar Press up
10 Jump squats
30 Bird Dog (15 each leg)
10 swing arm crunches
10 x mountain climber
30 sec superman
You can either run straight through and take a rest at the end of each round or rest between reps. Enjoy and have some fun with these exercises.


Craig's Turbo session

10-15 minutes: Warm-up
– 3×30 seconds: At Zone 3–4 with 30 seconds rest
– 2 minutes: Easy spin
– 5 minutes: Steady tempo—85 RPM. Make it hurt, but keep it within your limits.
– 2 minutes: Easy spin
– 8×1 minutes: Grinders: Low cadence, high gears, stay seated. Your heart rate should be near lactate threshold. Recover with 1 minute of soft pedaling after each rep.
– 4×30 seconds: Grinders: Low cadence, high gears, get out of the saddle! Recover with 30 seconds of seated soft pedaling.
– 5-10 minutes: Cool-down

Indoor Hill Rep Challenge

BTC Indoor Hill rep challenge until next Friday 3rd April 12 noon. How many times can you climb your stairs in 5 mins?
Best junior wins an Easter egg
Best senior wins a pack of toilet roll (if Morrisons have any)
If you live in a bungalow you are not eligible. To make it harder wear a back pack full of books.

Click here to see video